Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Boxes and Arrows: Ambient Findability: Talking with Peter Morville

Boxes and Arrows: Ambient Findability: Talking with Peter Morville:

People have been predicting the end of hierarchy since the beginning of hierarchy. But it’s not going away. In fact, I dedicate a whole chapter to explore the hyperbole that swirls around social software and the Semantic Web. I make the case for a “sociosemantic web” that relies on the pace-layering of ontologies, taxonomies, and folksonomies to learn and adapt as well as teach and remember.

Interesting article from someone with a foot in each camp. Peter Morville wrote Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, often popularly called the "Polar Bear" because of the animal on its cover. Ambient Findability, his new book, looks to be a good read for anyone looking at the new self-organizing hierarchies.


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